We all waiting for a chance that will take our resume to the next level, an internship at Google, camp at Facebook, workshop at Microsoft, and all those world’s whales!
Is it hard to get this chance? Is it impossible to be part of these entities?
Well, this is what we are talking about today, we are going to bust the myths that had been going back and forth about getting a job at Google!
So, what are the myths?!
1- Google only hires individual from ivy league institutions (A group of eight old, distinguished colleges and universities in the East, known for their ivy-covered brick buildings. The members of the Ivy League are Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Princeton, and Yale Universities; Dartmouth College; and the University of Pennsylvania):
This is not true, Google hires people from all sorts of backgrounds of colleges, even hires the people that haven’t attended college. Google is looking to hire a diverse set of candidates from all sort of experiences, and the GPA is only taken into consideration if you graduated recently from a school.
As matter of fact this is not true, the interviewer won’t be asking you crazy questions about how many golf balls fit into the Empire State Building, their only objective is to spend that time getting to know you and really try to limit it to about 4 interviews over the course of your process, not a multitude of conversations. So, it’s not impossible to get hired at Google, it is really not!
The hiring process!
1- Get your application:
Google career website has some great tips for putting together a powerful compelling resume, for example, your resume should be concise, generally less than 2 pages. Also, you really want to make sure that it has no errors or mistakes, read it top to bottom, bottom to top, have a friend take a look at it for you, pay extra special attention to it.
Make sure that the pullets points on your resume, convey impact, don’t just list the things that you did at your current job, but really how you impacted that role. It’s one of the things they really care about a lot at Google.
2- Phone conversation:
Once your resume is reviewed, you may hear back from their recruiter, if you don’t after a couple of months you can assume that the role has likely been filled, but if you do, the next step is the phone conversation.
They will ask you about your experience, your background, your potential fit with the role, and then from there, you may have an additional phone interview with another relevant Googler for the team you are applying to.
On the technical side, that may include a coding interview. On the business side, it may include a conversation that is more specific to the role.
3- Onsite interviews:
And here comes the exciting, and slightly nerve-wracking onsite-interviews where you get the chance to come on site, interview maybe between 4 to 5 interviewers.
If you are interviewing for a technical role, typically those interviews will revolve around data structures, coding, and algorithms.
If you are interviewing for a non-technical position, it is often more structured interview questions.
In those interviews, you often will have a couple of minutes to maybe chat with the interviewer, get to know them a little better, talk a little bit about the role. Also, have an opportunity for some breaks in between, grab some water, snack, that sort of thing, and sometimes even an opportunity to have a slightly informal lunch maybe with another member of the team, or even a hiring manager.
4- The hiring committees:
If you make it past that point in the process, your packet goes to the hiring committees,
The hiring committees are just teams of Googlers who take a look at your packet. Your packet is nothing more than your interviews, your resume, and any work samples you may have submitted to them.
5- Senior level Googlers’ sign:
If the hiring committee signs off on it, your packet goes to one of the senior level Googlers for a final round of approval. It is really just an extra set of objective eyes.
6- Acceptance:
If that senior Googler signs off on it, that’s when you get a phone call from your recruiter saying congratulations, here is your offer!
Written by Engy Hassan